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Meet Andie

Your Life Coach & Breast Cancer Survivor


 It was not easy it has taken me 5 years to get where I am today. I had some tough decisions to make so I quit a job that was very toxic I took a leap of faith and decided to follow my passion to help other women. You don't know what you don't know and there was so much I did not know which led to unrealistic expectations. There were questions I did not know to ask which led to a lot of disappointment and regret. I have learned so much and I need to share my experience with others so that they have healthy and realistic goals and expectations. It does not need to take 5 years to get back to living a happy and productive life. Let me help. 



I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer November 15th of 2019 and by December 13th of the same year I had a Mastectomy, and my left breast was removed. I was devastated, to be honest I was in a daze it all happened so fast. I had two reconstructive surgeries with one of them being the Diep Flap procedure and several fat transfers, I had an implant in my right breast and a lift to try and get some symmetry. Due to a high chance of Cervical cancer, I also had to have a complete Hysterectomy throwing me into full Menopause (oh what fun that has been). I cried every day for over a year, and I could barely look at myself in the mirror. I was having a hard time to say the least. While working with my OBGYN to try and control my extreme Menopause symptoms we tried a medication that unfortunately led to a serious bout of depression and an ultimate suicide attempt but with the help of therapy, family and friends I have been able to not only survive I am thriving and learning to enjoy this new version of myself.

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